I've always wanted to run Traveller using the Storyteller engine, as presented in Vampire, the Masquerade, 1st edition. I've since realized that:
1. The combat mechanics need some serious tweaking to cope with FGMP's.
2. It's easier to rewrite the combat system than to adapt it.
3. (completely unrelated) I have forgotten for almost
10 years now to credit my prime help in creating this in the first
place: Peter Newman.
So: what this is is "Just enough WOD" to run Traveller, IMO. Combat works differently, and psionics are based upon the Sorcery mechanics. You will need an old-WOD rulebook for attribute capabilities, skill level general meanings, and specialization rules.
And, just for reference, All traveller characters are considered to have unawakened avatars. If you want to cross in the WOD Beasties, that should answer "Big Question #1". One exception: Grandfather becomes a mage if you cross over, and is a technomancer.
Storyteller uses dice pools vs a target number (As do at least several other game systems unrelated to WWG's). Each die which rolls that number or higher is called a success. In the early games, the target number was flexible. In newer ones, it's fixed, but a variable number of successes is required.
I have stuck with the variable target numbers for this conversion This is for a variety of reasons, including personal preferences and making things work in a Travelleresque manner.
The Traveller game in all forms is owned by Far Future Enterprises. Copyright 1977 - 2003 Far Future Enterprises. Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises. Far Future permits web sites and fanzines for this game, provided it contains this notice, that Far Future is notified, and subject to a withdrawal of permission on 90 days notice. The contents of this site are for personal, non-commercial use only. Any use of Far Future Enterprises' copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this web site and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. In addition, any program/articles/file on this site cannot be republished or distributed without the consent of the author who contributed it.
Storyteller System, World of Darkness, Vampire the Masquerade, Werewolf the Apocalypse, Mage the Ascension, and Socerer are all trademarks of and copyright by White Wolf Game Studios, Inc. They are used without permission. Their use here should not be construed as challenge to those intellectual properties.
This ruleset was developed more than 10 years ago. It doesn't roll for successes like modern World of Darkness games.
Target Numbers: In new WoD, all dice roll against an 8+. In OLD WoD, the target number was set by difficulty. This conversion used that OLD convention.
A task has four parts:
The definition is what the task is about.
The Stat and Skill: Some tasks have two skills, some two attributes, if you're converting from other Traveller systems. For this game, however, you should use Either: one attribute and one skill; or one Trait. Add their ratings together, and grab that many 10 sided dice. If you get more than 10 dice, however, we're going reduce your target number instead of using the excess dice.
The difficulty. Traveller uses several difficulty levels, defined by labels.
Traveller Difficulty | Target Number |
Impossible | 10+ |
Challenging | 9+ |
Formidable | 8+ |
Difficult | 7+ |
Routine | 5+ |
Simple | 3+ |
Automatic | 1+ |
The Time Increment: MegaTraveller (and DGP's UTP for CT) use an increment of 1/10th the time, times 3d6 - skill. TNE lists a flat time. We'll use a flat time, and reduce by 10% per success after the first, to a minimum of 30%
Hasty: You increase the difficulty by 2, but each success over the first takes 20% off the time
Cautious: You decrease the difficulty by 2, and double the base time.
Hazardous: if you botch, it really hurts badly.
Fateful: If you fail (no successes), it counts as a botch.
Unskilled OK/Untrained: No TN Penalties for lacking the skill or knowledge listed for the task.
Absolute: Extra Successes don't reduce time taken.
Physical | Mental | Social |
Strength | Intelligence | Charisma |
Dexterity | Perception | Manipulation |
Endurance | Wits | Appearance |
Each starts with 1 dot free. Prioritize: 7/5/3. Human limit is 5 dots in each. (Certain other races may vary). |
Talents | Skills | Knowledges |
Awareness | Aircraft | Administration/Bureaucracy |
Alertness | Animal Handling | Astrogation |
Brawl | Archery | Biology |
Carousing | Artisan | Chemistry |
Combat Engineering | Demolitions | Civil Engineering |
Communications | Etiquette | Computer |
Construction | Firearms | Electronics |
Disguise | Forgery | Genetics |
Dodge | Forward Observer | Gravitics |
Empathy | Grav Vehicle | History |
First Aid | Ground Vehicle | Intrusion |
Forensic | Gunnery | Linguistics |
Gambling | Heavy Weapons | Medical |
Interview | Mechanical | Naval Architect |
Interrogation | Melee | Physics |
Navigation | Music | Planetology |
Persuasion | Pilot | Politics |
Stealth | Ride | Robotics |
Steward | Sensors | Ship'½s Engineer |
Streetwise | Survival | Ship Tactics |
Swim | Vac Suit | Survey |
Throw | Watercraft | Tactics |
Trader | Zero-G | Xenology |
Unskilled OK | Unskilled +2 Diff | Unskilled prohibited |
Prioritize: 13/10/7 |
Virtue | Description |
Stability | Governs self-evaluation, and perseverance through hardships. Used to deal with Terror, Fright, and stress checks. |
Determination | Governs the ability to override the body's natural needs, it is used to resist actions driven by the body's self-preservation instincts. It is also used to determine whether you may retry a failed task (assuming you didn't have something bad happen preventing a retry). |
Coolness under Fire | Represents how well the character deals with combat stress, battle conditions, and such. This is used to avoid combat panic, wounding, and such. |
Curiosity (3) | This is an optional virtue which may be used in place of Determination or stability when encountering a new situation. |
Faith (3) | Faith is an optional virtue which can be used to resist anything which contravenes the character's faith. It does, however, set the difficulty of resisting actions one's faith would require. |
Honor (3) | May be used to substitute for any other virtue when one's honor is at stake, in place of any other virtue. Note that it also sets the difficulty for avoiding something which your honor requires. |
Patience (3) | Patience is an optional virtue, which may be used in place of stability or conscience for stress or retry checks. |
Stability, determination, and Coolness under fire start with 1 dot each, and the other virtues may be have their first dot earned with the indicate number of freebie points; additionally, all characters receive 5 additional dots to spend on any virtues they may have. |
willpower starts equal to the permanent willpower. Willpower has a maximum of 10, not 5 as per other abilities.
Temporary Willpower can not exceed permanent willpower, unlike WOD.
Characters start with 10 dots in backgrounds. Note that many backgrounds go to sevens. Any over 5 require GM's permission.
Dots | Noble Title | Knighthood | Officer Rank | Decorations |
• | Baron | Subsector Order | Rank 1 (O1-O2) | A few minor ones |
•• | Viscount | Sector Order | Rank 2 (O2-O3) | One or two major ones |
••• | Count | Domain Order | Rank 3 (O4) | Hero |
•••• | Marquis | Minor Imperial Order | Rank 4 (O5 | Impressive Hero |
••••• | Duke | Major Imperial Order | Rank 5 (O6-O7) | "My awards go jingle, jangle, jingle" |
••••• • | Archduke | Royal Order | Rank 6 (O7-O10) | Noticeable List to one side from all the fruit salad |
••••• •• | Prince | Rank 7 (O11) | Up one side and down the other. | |
Restrictions | May be taken multiple times | Scouts, Belters, and Civilian Scientists may not take this. | Only military (army, navy, marines, sailor, flyer) actually get medals... The others have comparable stuff tho' |
Dots | Allies | Contacts | Retainers | Mentor |
• | 1 Moderately powerful | 1 Major | 1 | Little Status, moderate skills |
•• | 2 moderately powerful | 2 major, 2 minor | 2-3 | Some Status, and several (2-4) abilities at 5 dots |
••• | 3, one quite influential | 3 major, 4 minor | 4-6 | High ranking official, or many (8-12) abilities at 5 dots |
•••• | 4, one very influential and moderately well connected | 4 major, 8 minor | 7-10, or fewer of notable skill or loyalty | High Ranking Noble, or high official of great power. |
••••• | A half dozen, one extremely powerful or important | 6 major, a dozen minor | 11-20 | Domain level official or higher, or sector duke or higher noble |
••••• • | A dozen, one of whom is a domain level influential person | 10 major, 20-30 minor | A Household Staff | Member of Imperial Household |
••••• •• | Scores, including the Emperor himself | 20 major, minors just about anywhere, and one in the imperial court or an archduke | A Major Household Staff | Member of the Imperial Family. |
Restrictions | One dot less for numbers if exceptionally loyal or skilled, 2 steps lower if both. |
Dots | ScoutShip | Merchant Ship, Yacht | Terms | Cash |
• | Type S, beaten up | A, A2, etc, 40 Years owed | 1 Term +5 freebies | Cr 1000 |
•• | Type S, good shape | A, A2, 30 Y Owed R,Y,K 40 Yrs Owed | Two Terms +10 Freebies | Cr 5000 |
••• | Variant S (S-2, S-3) bad shape | A/A2 20 Yrs Owed R,Y,K 30 Yrs Owed Cbt: 40 Yrs Owed | 3 Terms. +15 FP | Cr 10,000 |
•••• | Variant, good shape | A/A2 10 Yrs Owed R,Y,K 20 Yrs Owed Cbt 30 Yrs Owed | 4 Terms + 20 FP. Lose one physical dot. | Cr 50,000 |
••••• | Donosev, Bad Shape | A/A2 paid off R,Y,K 10 Yrs Owed Cbt: 20 Yrs Owed | 5 Terms +25 FP Lose two physical dots | Cr 100,000 |
••••• • | Donosev, good shape | R,Y,K paid off Cbt: 10 Years Owed | 6 terms +30 FP- 2 Phys Dots, -1 Mental dot | Cr 500,000 |
••••• •• | Combatant paid off | 7 Terms +35 FP- 3 Phys Dots, -2 mental dots | Cr 1,000,000 | |
Restrictions | Scouts, Belters | Cannot be bought with Freebie Points. | Cannot exceed terms + Resources |
Dots | Resources | Retirement Pay | Fief |
• | Cr 100/month after lifestyle | Cr2000/year | A Villa or Mansion |
•• | Cr 250/month after lifestyle | Cr4000/year | A large land parcel or income producer |
••• | Cr 500/month after lifestyle | Cr6000/year | A Small city vast empty land |
•••• | Cr 1000/month after lifestyle | Cr8000/year | A Major city or sparse subcontinent |
••••• | Cr 2500/month after lifestyle | Cr10,000/year | A continent |
••••• • | Cr 5000/month after lifestyle | Cr12,000/year | A minor world |
••••• •• | Cr 10000/month after lifestyle | Cr14,000/year | A major world |
Restrictions | Cannot exceed terms; Anything less than 5 dots indicates disability pension, not retirement. | Cannot exceed Title + (Decorations or
knighthoods/2) [use greater of number of knighthoods or dots in decorations] Serves as Resources at one dot less (income in addition to resources, do not add dots) |
TAS Member | 5 | Assume lifetime membership |
Claws | 1-5 | Can do aggravated damage. Penetration is 3+ points. Reach is 1. |
Teeth | 1-5 | Can do aggravated damage. Penetration is 5+ points, reach is 0 |
Extra Hits | 1-7 | Extra Boxes on one line. See Wound Status, below. |
Missing Hit | 2-8 | Missing a line on the hit table. you gain back 1 point more than an additional box would cost. |
Human player characters base of 20 freebies, Plus any from flaws. Additional may be attained by the Terms background, but that background may not be purchased, nor raised, using freebie points.
Item | cost per dot | Max | Base Given | |
Attributes | 5 | 5 Each | 9@1 7/5/3 | |
Abilities: | 3 | 5 Each | 13/10/7 | |
Virtues: | 2 | 5 Each | 3@1 +5 | |
Backgrounds | 2 | 5 Each | 10 | |
Willpower | 3 | 10 | Best Virtue +2 | |
Psionic Talents | PSR | 5 | 5 | 0 |
Talents | 3 | PSR | 0 | |
Tricks | 1 each | Talent | 0 |
PSR limits the maximum level on psionics talents. PSR cannot exceed 5 for most humans. (Droyne may start no higher than 5, but may attain up to 8)
Each talent is a "Psionic Skill". The skills are learned individually. Each has several associated tricks (similar to path abilities for Sorcery), but unlike the WOD games, the tricks must be learned separate from the skills.
The tricks shown are shown to tell you at what level of skill you may acquire the trick.
Definitions to be done later.
Difficulties are 4+ required dots OR Range Base plus Required dots to use a trick.
Talents are rolled on Talent+Int.
You must have a trick to use a talent. If you don't have the trick, but do have the requisite skill, you may spend a temporary willpower point to attempt it unskilled.
Failing a talent roll costs a Willpower box. Spending a willpower on a Psionic task does NOT grant autosuccesses; it instead lowers difficulties. See Willpower and Psionics, below.
Range Difficulties: use the point of closest contact.
Time Difficulties: Use higher of distance in time or size of chunk affected. Distance is to "Near Edge" of time affected.
Group affects: Each additional target adds their range modifier to the difficulty, with a minimum of +1 each. This does not apply to telepathy.
Telepathy • LifeDetection • Shield (3) • Telempathy • Flicking (4) • Invisibility (1,2) •• Send Thoughts •• Read Surface ThoughtClairvoyances ••• Send & Receive ••• TP Stun •••• Probe •••• Assault ••••• Mind Edit [RT] |
Clairvoyance • Seek [R] •• Sense ••• Clairvoyance ••• Clairaudience ••• Object Read •••• Combined CV/CA •••• Remote Taste/Smell •••• Remote Touch ••••• Clairsentience* |
Postcognition • Object Read •• Place Read ••• Postcognition ••• Person Read |
Precognition • Danger Sense • Combat Sense ••• View Future | ||
Awareness • Accelerate Healing • Suspended Animation •• Enhance Physical Attribute •• Regeneration ••••• Enhance Social Attribute ••••• Enhance Mental Attribute ••••• ••• Immortality (1,2) |
Teleportation • Self only (naked) •• Self and clothing Allowance •• Unconscious Safety* ••• Self and Max Carry ••• Passengers (naked) •••• Passengers (with Clothes) •••• Other (unwilling) with clothes •••• Blink Attack* ••••• Passengers with Max Carry ••••• Others (unwilling) |
Machine Telepathy • Terminal •• Read Files •• Jinx Equipment ••• Hack Computer ••• Hack Files ••••• Merge with computer note: Roll on Computer + machine telepathy. |
Healing •Diagnose •• Accelerate Another's healing •••• Regenerate another ••••• Suspend another ••••• •• Undo Aging |
Telekinesis • Moving • Manipulating •• Move and Manip •••• TK Bullet •••••• HeartWrench | |
(1)Normally restricted to Droyne (2) no roll needed, always on (3) Psionic Shield is both passive and active. (4)normally restricted to Zhodani. |
Telepathy and Clairvoyance: The difficulty is to bring it up; keeping it up requires a minimal level of concentration; a failed virtue or willpower roll will require bringing it up again.
Damage Tricks: TP Stun, Assault - Successes are damage levels; target rolls soak vs PSR+Telepathy. Soak is rolled on PSR; if target has shield, roll on PSR + Shield. TPS does non aggravated, or may instead be used to cost the target rounds of action. Non psionic targets may spend a willpower point to soak with any virtue.
Psionic shield: Is a character has psionic shield, Int+Telepathy may be rolled to resist any mind affecting tricks or Clairvoyant tricks. Artificial Psionic Shields count, normally, as 1d of soak.
Accelerate Healing: divide time to heal by (1+successes) for duration chosen. May be used prophylactically (IE, before being injured).
Regenerate: successes are wound levels restored as an action. It takes one round per wound level.
Invisibility: Invisibility is blocked by having a psionic shield active. Max range at which targets are affected is the range where the distance is equal to the Droyne's Telepathy.
Any failed psionic task costs 1 box of willpower.
Spending a temporary willpower (1 box) gets you a roll of your PSR
versus a difficulty of 6; each successreduces the difficulty of the
immediately following psionic task by 1. Botching this roll costs 1
permanent willpower.
If for any reason you are at 0 temp and must spend a point, you lose one dot, refill the boxes to the new level, and then spend the points. If this would take you to a permanent willpower of 0 dots, you remain at one and instead lose a dot in a virtue, starting with the highest.
Gaining new dots requires Either:
So, for example Jo with CUF 4 and Willpower 5, with 5 temp WP, rolls his CUF to engage in a barroom brawl difficulty 6. He rolls 10 10 10 7, generating 3 extra rolls, and those turn up 10 6 2, and this generates another roll of 2 dice: 10 9; this generates another die: a 9. Massive popcorn there... 5x10's, 2x9's, a 7, and a 6 to generate 9 successes. Since his nature is bully and demeanor is drunkard, he gets the free dot.
Range Bands Table | |||
RB | Range | Temporal Range | Diff Base |
T | 0m | Sec | 0 |
Cl | 1m | Min | 1 |
Sh | 5m | Hour | 2 |
Med | 50m | Day | 3 |
Lng | 250m | Wk | 4 |
VLng | 500m | 2 Wk | 5 |
Dist | 5km | Month | 6 |
VDst | 50km | Year | 7 |
Reg | 500km | 8 | |
Cont | 5,000km | Term | 9 |
Plan | 50,000km | 10 | |
Far Orb | 500,000km | Decade | 11 |
Ext Orb | 5,000,000km | 2 Decades | 12 |
InPl | 1AU | Century | 13 |
Sys | 1KAu | 2 Centuries | 14 |
SbSt | 100KAu | Millenium | 15 |
St | 1Pc | 2 Millenia | 16 |
InSt | 2Pc | 5 Millenia | 17 |
DpIST | 4Pc | 10 Millenia | 18 |
Aggravated vs non-aggravated wounds: low impact blunt force trauma is non-aggravated (punches and kicks, short falls), all other kinetics are aggravated. Stun-Weapons are non-aggravated
level | Penalty | CUF Diff | Aggravated Base Heal | Non-Aggravated Base Heal | Extra Box FP Cost |
Bruised | -0 | 3 | 1 day | 5 min | 7 |
Light | -1 | 4 | 3 days | 5 min | 6 |
Medium | -1 | 4 | 7 days | 5 min | 5 |
Heavy | -2 | 5 | 14 days | 10 min | 4 |
Severe | -3 | 6 | 28 days | 10 min | 3 |
Mauled | -5 | 10 | 28 days | 10 min | 2 |
Incapacitated | unconscious | na | 28 days | 10 min | 1 |
Mortal | dying | na | 28 days* | na | no |
weapons are given several statistics:
Accuracy: Accuracy is the number of range bands before difficulty raises a point. Each range band past is 1 more point unless noted with a plus or minus and a number. If a minus, the number is how many additional points per range band. If a plus, it's how many extra range bands before the second point.
Damage is damage dice rolled.
Penetration is given at close range. It is the target number for soak tests. Unarmed combat has a pen of 3.
Attenuation is how many range bands before pen drops by a point.
Max Range: the maximum traveller range band.
When a personal weapon fires at a vehicle, Soak dice are doubled, but dodge successes are 2 per to hit success removed. one extra damage die is rolled per 2 extra to hit successes.
when personal weapon fires at a ship, soak dice are trebled, but dodge successes are 3 per to hit success removed. one extra damage die is rolled per 3 extra to hit successes.
when a vehicular weapon fires at a person, damage dice are doubled, including those from extra successes. Pen is increased by 5.
When a vehicular weapon fires at a ship, Soak dice are doubled, but dodge successes are 2 per to hit success removed. one extra damage die is rolled per 2 extra to hit successes.
When a ship fires upon a person, damage dice are trebled, including those from extra successes, and Pen is increased by 10.
When a ship fires upon a person, damage dice are doubled, including those from extra successes. Pen is increased by 5.
Scale: ship or vehicle, as per T20.
Use T20 stats: Armor for vehicles is per the armor rating from T20 or HG. The Soak base is by tonnage:
tons | 0-50 | 50-99 | 100-499 | 500-999 | 1000-5000 | 5000-9999 | 10,000-49,999 | 50K-99K | 100K-499k | 500K-999K | 1M-4.999M |
Soak=AV+ | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Damage Diff: | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 7 | 7 | 8 |
A ship's dodge pool is equal to G's + Pilot.
Hits Tracks are calculated.
Line | Penalty | tons for first box | tons for second box | tons for third box |
Scratch | 0 | 3+ | 10K+ | 3M |
Minor | 1 | 10+ | 5K+ | 1M |
Moderate | 2 | 30+ | 3K+ | 500K |
Severe | 3 | 5+ | 1K+ | 300K |
Crippling | 4 | 100+ | 500+ | 100K |
Devastating | 5 | 50+ | 300+ | 50K+ |
Incapacitating | X | 1+ | 30K+ | 1M |
Destroyed | X | 1+ | 1K+ | 10K+ |
Weapon | Accuracy | Damage type | Pen | Atten | Sec Type | SecPen | SecAtted |
Ship's Laser | Dist+0 | Structure | 5 | dist+1 | None | ||
Plasma | Long-1 | Structure | 6 | dist-1 | None | ||
Fusion | Long-1 | Structure | 7 | Dist-1 | Rad | 5 | Med-2 |
PAWS | Long | Structure | 7 | Long | Rad | 3 | Long |
Missile | Med+2 | Structure | 5 | na | none | ||
Nuke Missile | Med+2 | Structure | 7 | na | Rad | 5 | na |
Type S | ||||
Wound Level | Wound Pen | Boxes | G's | 2 |
Scratch | 0 | [] | Jump | 2 |
Minor | 1 | [] | PP | 2 |
Moderate | 2 | [] | Cargo | 20 Td |
Severe | 3 | [] | Staterooms | 4 |
Crippling | 4 | [] | Turret | 1 (Laser) |
Devastating | 5 | [] | Crew | 1P/E 1G |
Incapacitating | X | [] | Comp | 1bis |
Destroyed< /td> | X | [] | Subcraft | 1 AirRaft |
Notes | Armor | None | ||
the basic mail courier design. In commercial use, she carries | Tonnage | 100 | ||
Price | MCr30 |
Type A | ||||
Wound Level | Wound Pen | Boxes | G's | 1 |
Scratch | 0 | [] | Jump | 1 |
Minor | 1 | [] | PP | 1 |
Moderate | 2 | [] | Cargo | 100 Td |
Severe | 3 | [] | Staterooms | 10 |
Crippling | 4 | [] | Turret | 2 Empty |
Devastating | 5 | [] | Crew | 1P, 1E, 1N, 2G, 1S, 1M |
Incapacitating | X | [] | Comp | 1bis |
Destroyed< /td> | X | [] | Subcraft | 1 AirRaft |
Notes | Armor | None | ||
the basic tramp freighter design. | Tonnage | 200 | ||
Price | MCr67 |
Type A2 | ||||
Wound Level | Wound Pen | Boxes | G's | 1 |
Scratch | 0 | [] | Jump | 2 |
Minor | 1 | [] | PP | 2 |
Moderate | 2 | [] | Cargo | 65 Td |
Severe | 3 | [] | Staterooms | 10 |
Crippling | 4 | [] | Turret | 2 Empty |
Devastating | 5 | [] | Crew | 1P, 1E, 1N, 2G, 1S, 1M |
Incapacitating | X | [] | Comp | 1bis |
Destroyed< /td> | X | [] | Subcraft | 1 AirRaft |
Notes | Armor | None | ||
the longer range tramp freighter design. | Tonnage | 200 | ||
Price | MCr67 |
Type R | ||||||
Wound Level | Wound Pen | Boxes | G's | 1 | Fuel | 56Td |
Scratch | 0 | [] | Jump | 1 | ||
Minor | 1 | [] | PP | 1 | ||
Moderate | 2 | [] | Cargo | 195 Td | ||
Severe | 3 | [] | Staterooms | 12 | ||
Crippling | 4 | [] | Turret | 2 Empty | ||
Devastating | 5 | [] | Crew | 1P, 1E, 1N, 2G, 1S, 1M | ||
Incapacitating | X | [] | Comp | 1bis | ||
Destroyed< /td> | X | [] | Subcraft | 1 Shuttle | ||
Notes | Armor | None | Price | MCr135 | ||
the "big boy". This monster is a tunnel deck that carries a huge load. | Tonnage | 400 | ||||
Droyne: | instead of 7/5/3 atts, only use 5/4/3. Can fly, if Atmosphere std plus and local g's under 0.5. Claws Pen 9. Racial PSR 1, Telepathy 1, shield • and Invisibility •Castes are Leader, Sport, Warrior, Technician, Worker, Drone. |
Zhodani | All zhodani psionicists are nobles. All zhodani nobles are psionicists. PSR can reach 7. Otherwise human. |
Aslan: | Max Str 6, Dex 4, End 6. Have 2 point claws and 2 point teeth. All have Honor Virtue. |
Vargr | Max Dex 6. Have 1 point claws and 1 point teeth. |
Llewellolly "Dandies" | Max Str3, End 4, Int 4 and Man 4. lose the light wound level. all 5 limbs useable as hands or feet. 1m tall puffball. Have color vision, but range excludes red and goes up into mid UV. Can speak galanglic. Ritual introductions take several minutes. |
Virushi | Max Str, End 8, two extra physical dots. Extra bruised, light, and Medium wound levels. Pacifists, of the do and advise no violence school; they won't stop a plan that works becuase it's violent, but they won't do violence, and will never vote for a violent solution, although if it's the best option, they will abstain. |